Hi Ryan, new to the community and a fan of what I see here.

For what it's worth I see a lot of value in a reframe of 'the problem is...'

I've spent the last few years living in Germany and the people are incredible problem solvers, as the language is really made up of parts and you can pick it apart and re-assemble it with ease.

The challenge I observe consistently within people is that they are surrounded with problems; problems that need to be fixed; problems that won't go away; problems, problems, problems!

'You could try this'

'...das Problem ist!'

I have done my best to eliminate the use of the word from my regular vocabulary and - wouldn't you know it? - I find that I am faced with far fewer... difficulties.

I'm a big fan of using language to improve the state of the human condition and look forward to seeing anything you write further on this topic.

All the best,


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Thanks for reading and sharing your perspective Nicholas! Enjoyed what you added

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